Hey there I’m Julie,

I love serving the world by helping other women get their mojo back by restoring their health.

I do this by lending my listening ear and finding the missing puzzle pieces that your body is lacking or needing.

For example improving food choices, adding more movement to your routine, incorporating natural supplements and building stronger relationships and support systems.

My Plexus story began when my husband said to me “I don’t care what you do, but you need to get yourself better!”

He said it out of genuine love and concern for me.


You see, I was an exhausted and rundown Mom of 3. And when I say 3 kids, they weren’t all under the age of 5. Our oldest 2 were almost adults and our youngest was 3, but I was still constantly tired and needing an afternoon nap or going to bed at 8 pm, right after putting our preschool son to bed.

I was just not feeling my best.  I wasn’t normally the type of person who let that affect how I interacted with others, but I was quickly becoming that kind of person and hated it! Also feeling really guilty that I couldn’t be the kind of wife and mom that my family needed me to be and I knew that things needed to change.


I didn’t know where to start but then…

I heard my friend, Heidi, share her health journey and I was intrigued enough to see if it was the real deal.

She explained the importance of healthy glucose management and how that effects hormones, along with energy levels and weight gain or loss. We discussed many health strategies one of them being natural health supplements and placed my first order.

So I anxiously waited for my order of supplements to arrive and couldn’t wait to start!

Within the first couple weeks of taking the products, I noticed my energy level improving and I wasn’t feeling the need for a nap every day.  I also started to notice that I just felt better overall.

After the first month, I noticed I didn’t have the need to snack ALL the time, which is a good thing when you’re a work at home Mom.

After a couple of months of consistently using my supplements, I suddenly noticed that the discomfort in my right hip and leg had disappeared! I had been dealing with that for over 6 years, and had tried everything from Chiro treatments, to massage therapy, to exercising and stretching to get rid of it previously.

 Then there were other little things that I noticed - like my skin. It had never been healthier!

Everything seemed to be coming back into balance.

Not to mention the bonus loss of some weight that I had been trying to lose for the past couple of years with no success.

At this point I decided I couldn’t keep this as a secret to myself. I knew too many others around me that were struggling in one way or another, so I started to share about what I had found. This was something I had never done before but a lot of my friends and family trusted me because they knew I wouldn’t be talking about it, if it wasn’t the real deal. 


Within a few short weeks with the Plexus opportunity, I had begun to get my plexus products paid for by sharing my love of them and it’s continued to grow from there! Those plexus commissions have helped to fund great trips to convention in Vegas and Orlando and also amazing family holidays like a recent trip to Costa Rica and Mexico.

 But one of the greatest gifts is also being able to give back to others in need, stuff like this I never dreamed I’d be able to do by sharing my referral link.

And the best part of all is I get to do that while I work from home on my own time schedule.

Never did I dream of doing something like changing my health and then helping other women turn their health around too.

Being an introvert I just didn’t think an entrepreneur and business leader was for me but my love for guiding others through their health journey without it being a financial burden has completely changed my mind.

I love building relationships and increasing health and wealth with other motivated women.

It’s amazing how one simple decision can change your life! I’m thankful to God that I took the opportunity to try something that my friend had shared about. And that’s why I’m sharing this with you, so that you can live your life to the fullest too!

In love,




Let’s chat about your health!

Set up a free 30 min Consult Call with me.