Business to me is like reading a book.

Julie McNeill Plexus Business

Fully achieving a business goal is like finishing all the chapters in that book.

Reading a book can be fun, educational and rewarding but it also takes dedication. Similar to a business goal, the story of a book has chapters, plot twists and challenges. I love navigating a good book like I love navigating business with my team mates.”

Are you struggling with?

Deciding if you will stay at home with your family and if so, how will you help supplement your family income.

Looking for a place to belong and be a part of a bigger team. Entrepreneurship brings freedom but it can also be isolating.

If your full time income just isn’t cutting it or if you feel like you’ve hit an income ceiling.

Our Team Provides

A way to ease financial stress

Community and Team Building

  • Our team hosts an annual Pool Party, Book Club and Christmas Party.

Support and Great Resources

Heidi Neufeld and Julie McNeill, Plexus Brand Ambassadors

Next Step

The Best way to get started is to set up a consult call with me.

On this call we will determine what your goals are. What interests you about joining My Plexus Team. Then we will determine if it’s a good fit.

Learn and Grow with Me.

My favourite business resources at your fingertips. If you need some motivation or a place to get started, grab your earbuds and start listening to these amazing business leaders!

A Sneak Peak of our Team


One of the greatest gifts is being able to give back to others in need.

Stuff like this I never dreamed I’d be able to do with just my commissions cheque. And the best part of all is I get to do that while I work from home on my own time schedule.