What can stable blood sugars mean for You?

I get it! I know when you hear blood sugars you instantly think about that being important for ONLY diabetics. And that couldn't be farther from the truth. Because keeping your blood sugars in a healthy range is super helpful for everyone, especially us Mommas.

The thing is there are several short and long term benefits to stable blood sugar.

  • One of those benefits is a higher energy level. When your blood sugars aren't on a rollercoaster ride of several highs you'll notice your energy is better. If your body's cells are receiving a rush of glucose too often, the mitochondria that turn the glucose into energy, stress out and quit and don't function well. So the better they function, the more energy you'll have!

  • Another benefit is it helps to balance hormones. The more glucose spikes you have the more hormonal issues you'll have. Insulin is like that momma hormone and so when your sugar levels are high it has to send out insulin all the time to use up the glucose in your system this can also raise other hormones like testosterone.So it's a non negotiable for hormone health.

  • Who doesn't want to slow down aging. We can slow it down with fewer glucose spikes and less glycation. Glycation is responsible for aging not only on the outside with your wrinkles on your skin but also the inside of your organs causing less oxidative stress and inflammation.

  • Balanced blood sugars also help with fewer cravings, because when you're not feeding that sugar high it doesn't start the cycle of wanting more. This also then helps with weight loss!

  • Healthy skin is another great side affect of good levels because again when those hormones are in balance there's fewer breakouts and acne issues from less sugars and inflammation.

Bottom line is you get more out of life! Sounds pretty great right? But you’re probably wondering, "how do I actually get started?”

If you'd like some great tips to start stabilizing your blood sugars I'd love to chat and share some pointers.

Just book a consult call with me.


Tips to Manage Type 1 Diabetes