Tips to Manage Type 1 Diabetes

Here are some top tips when newly diagnosed

  • Have upfront conversations with your family and friends. So many people don't understand what Type 1 diabetes is and how it's managed. They may heard horror stories from a friend of a relative or don't know what causes it. So those convos are helpful to explain how you need to take insulin with any food or drinks that contain carbs to keep the blood sugars within a healthy range.

  • Get a reliable app for figuring out carb counts on food and drinks. This is something you'll use often as you need to look up ingredient info for everything! You can also save regular meals and snacks to save time figuring these things out. Our favourite app is My Fitness Pal. Also having a note saved on your phone with favourite restaurant meals are helpful too!

  • Find other Parents of T1D kids. There's often local support groups online to connect with. This is so helpful for sharing ideas and what's worked best and trouble shooting problems that arise. These parents are always more than willing to help!

  • Prepare for the unexpected. Have those low sugar snacks handy for an emergency. Extra supplies available too, especially if you're travelling a ways from home. This will prevent disappointment from any shortened trips because you need to return home.

  • Remember it's always a learning process! Don't strive for perfection because it'll drive you crazy and add stress to everyone. There will be mistakes made where wrong doses may be given or doses missed with a snack. It'll be ok. What's most important is that your child knows how much you love them!

My Youngest son with Type 1 Diabetes

One of my reasons for focusing on blood sugar balance.


4 Simple things you can do today to lower blood sugars


What can stable blood sugars mean for You?